26 déc. 2007

xmas at Goa

This saturday we went to Goa to spend xmas with Typhaine and Ayan. It's was weird to spend xmas time below more than 30 degrees.

We were a little bit disapointed by this trip. Actually, all the free parties are now prohibited in Goa. So the police is very tough and checks a lot. So, it's almost impossible to find those parties.
Anyway, we got good fun and it's always nice a few days at the seaside.

Tommorrow night, I'll leave india. I really don't fell like going, but I can't do nothing. That's the way it is.

See you soon!!

21 déc. 2007

Last week in InDia

wow that's yet my last week in India and what a week it will be. I'm leaving tomorrow saturday for Goa and will be back at Hyd on Thuesday. Thuesday night party and wednesday last drink!

Things are going really too fast. I can't imagine that in exactly one week I'm in belgium. The 30 degrees difference will kill mee!!!

here's some pics of yesterday party @ Jesus's place!

See you soon!

12 déc. 2007

Pune Trip

This weekend we went to Pune (150km from Mumbay) with Jesus and the Carlos's boys (Ayan, Satyam & Vinay). After 10h of night bus, we arrived there saterday early morning. Pune is 3 millions people town. Actually, there is no so mutch things to see there. I always enjoy to be outside Hyderabad. There is much less traffic, less pollution and Pubs!! It's definetely a better spot to live in comparison of Hyd.

During this short trip, we visited the national museum of Gandhi, visited the center town, lost Satyam's bag, tryed to enter in the Osho medidation center (hé hé, let's guys check what is Osho on the web), saw the park at the side of Osho, drunk beers, saw a guy playing with snakes, played poker, drunk beers again, didn't managed to enter the nights pubs (fucking India!), played more poker and drunk more beer, tryed again to enter in Osho, visited a temple and a cave and enjoyed a party setted in the MG Road (main road).

We came back to Hyderabad sunday night in the night(mare) bus! Here we are again in Hyderabad. This weekend will be my last one in Hyd as the next one I will be in Goa for xmas....and very soon belgium!!

4 déc. 2007

Fed up of farewell parties

The end of the year is coming. In 1 week and half, we said goodbye to Elise, Gwen, Carlos, Ravi and Cédric! They are goint back to their own countries, on holydays or just heading to a new adventure. It feels weird to say goodbye to so many people in a so short period. In about 3 weeks, it will be my turn as well!