26 déc. 2007

xmas at Goa

This saturday we went to Goa to spend xmas with Typhaine and Ayan. It's was weird to spend xmas time below more than 30 degrees.

We were a little bit disapointed by this trip. Actually, all the free parties are now prohibited in Goa. So the police is very tough and checks a lot. So, it's almost impossible to find those parties.
Anyway, we got good fun and it's always nice a few days at the seaside.

Tommorrow night, I'll leave india. I really don't fell like going, but I can't do nothing. That's the way it is.

See you soon!!

21 déc. 2007

Last week in InDia

wow that's yet my last week in India and what a week it will be. I'm leaving tomorrow saturday for Goa and will be back at Hyd on Thuesday. Thuesday night party and wednesday last drink!

Things are going really too fast. I can't imagine that in exactly one week I'm in belgium. The 30 degrees difference will kill mee!!!

here's some pics of yesterday party @ Jesus's place!

See you soon!

12 déc. 2007

Pune Trip

This weekend we went to Pune (150km from Mumbay) with Jesus and the Carlos's boys (Ayan, Satyam & Vinay). After 10h of night bus, we arrived there saterday early morning. Pune is 3 millions people town. Actually, there is no so mutch things to see there. I always enjoy to be outside Hyderabad. There is much less traffic, less pollution and Pubs!! It's definetely a better spot to live in comparison of Hyd.

During this short trip, we visited the national museum of Gandhi, visited the center town, lost Satyam's bag, tryed to enter in the Osho medidation center (hé hé, let's guys check what is Osho on the web), saw the park at the side of Osho, drunk beers, saw a guy playing with snakes, played poker, drunk beers again, didn't managed to enter the nights pubs (fucking India!), played more poker and drunk more beer, tryed again to enter in Osho, visited a temple and a cave and enjoyed a party setted in the MG Road (main road).

We came back to Hyderabad sunday night in the night(mare) bus! Here we are again in Hyderabad. This weekend will be my last one in Hyd as the next one I will be in Goa for xmas....and very soon belgium!!

4 déc. 2007

Fed up of farewell parties

The end of the year is coming. In 1 week and half, we said goodbye to Elise, Gwen, Carlos, Ravi and Cédric! They are goint back to their own countries, on holydays or just heading to a new adventure. It feels weird to say goodbye to so many people in a so short period. In about 3 weeks, it will be my turn as well!

25 nov. 2007

Party hospital partY

My last week started with a party and ended with a party. Last saturday, we went to Romain's place. I gotta admit, I really drunk without any limits! The result was a nice hangover and a quite huge black hole in my memory!
As I got my password back for my Outlook, I managed to work this week. I went as well to the hospital for a check up of my Shoulder. I will get the result of my X-ray and my IRM tomorrow monday. I think that things are ok but I will be sure with the IRM. By the way, better not to have clostrophobia to do it!
Yesterday there was a party at Gerald's place for the despedida (bye bye party) of Elise. She will go a few weeks in Thailand before going back to France. There was quiet a lot of people. Armel, the guy from Côte d'ivoire, bringed just a few friends more....like 20!! ha ha ha! This time, I managed to control my self and not to drink too much....like 16 beers and a few home-made ponche more! Good boy!

15 nov. 2007

African music concert & Cricket

On wednesday, almost all the bunch of expat was present at the concert organized by the Alliance française of Hyderabad. They setted up an african concert with a band from cameroun. It's not really my kind of music but it was great fun and the singer was amazing!

After having diner and tryed the famous Chicken biryani with all the guys, we headed as usual to Jesus's place to have a few drink... As we ran out of whisky and like all the wines shop were closed, we bought some bags of alcohol at the fevala just at the side! Nope, there's no mystakes in this sentence!! I know we are crazy! The alcohol was ok.....for40 cents! ha ha ha!

Early morning, after having breafast and desperated of waiting for the wines shop to open, we started to play cricket, the national sport here. I really enjoyed the game...til one point! That just that I got a semi-luxation of my shoulder while tryin' to throw a fast ball. Bad luck and some memories of my injury of Barcelona. Like it was only a small luxation, I managed to put my shoulder back!! It's painfull but no so much in comparison of my first one.

Since this week, my password is not working any more to connect myself to my professional Outlook. As I don't have any answer yet of my company regarding that, I'm not working! Without Outlook I can't do nothing! I worked only on wednesday like I got an appointment in a IT company. But it's not my fault. :)

See u

13 nov. 2007

GOA trip!

I went to GOA on Friday till Monday. Basically, it’s a tiny state situated on the west coast of India. Goa isn’t really like the others parts of India. This state was still a Portuguese colony till the 60 – 70’s! I have to admit that this is really paradise there!!

Friday, after a fly in an old school plane of Air Deccan, I arrived at Goa Airport. I met Guillaume from the Explort formation and we headed to Vagator. It’s very small, lot of nature, beaches, 65cl bottle beer for 1€, 10€ for 10 gr of marijuana, expats, big parties!!! Amazing!!!! You really have to experience that!

Saturday, after checking out at Jackie’s, we went straight to Old goa with our fuck**g high driver!! Old Goa was the former capital of the state. There are still a lot of churches of the 15 – 16th century in a very good shape. The catholic influence was very huge here! After this sightseeing and historical break, we went to Panaji where we were staying for the night. It’s the capital of GOA. Actually, there are not so much things to see: an amazing church, some very colorful neighborhoods, George bar and the hospital for Guillaume! Hé hé.

Sunday, we went almost at the far end of the state till Palolem! The place is idyllic! This is one of the nicest beaches in the world…with not a single new building to fuck the landscape. There is almost only guest house and bar/restaurant in bamboo hut! The beach is really a paradise!!

I think there are no words to describe GOA. You have to experience it. Like the people say there “You are in Goa man, chill out! Enjoy!’ Here is some pictures, you will get a better idea! Definitely, I’ll be back there soon!!!
