16 oct. 2007

Some pics of HyDeRaBaD

what does Hyderabad Look like?

It's 6 Millions people town. It's very very polluated and durty!! The most annoying is that there's not a real "center town" like we know it. There's not a big square or a main street that we can consider like the heart of the city where you are sure to meet people and find things to do. Besides, there is no bar here! How can I live without bars?? Basically, there is almost nothing to do here! Yeah I know, I'm here to work... ;) but anyway, after work, you need to relax! Am I right? It's true that I haven't start to work yet, so I don't really need to relax so far...but you got the point!

Here his some pic of the so-called center town, the south-side muslim part of Hyd, and some random pics.

Enjoy and drop me some comments!

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Salut Lau, j'espère que tu vas bien? J'ai reçu un coup de fil de la RTBF pour toi, ils souhaiteraient que tu reprennes l'émission "Les carnets du bourlingueur" :-) vu les superbes photos et comments que l'on peut voir sur ton blog!!

A très bientôt, bonne continuation Lau! Ciao ciao