15 nov. 2007

African music concert & Cricket

On wednesday, almost all the bunch of expat was present at the concert organized by the Alliance française of Hyderabad. They setted up an african concert with a band from cameroun. It's not really my kind of music but it was great fun and the singer was amazing!

After having diner and tryed the famous Chicken biryani with all the guys, we headed as usual to Jesus's place to have a few drink... As we ran out of whisky and like all the wines shop were closed, we bought some bags of alcohol at the fevala just at the side! Nope, there's no mystakes in this sentence!! I know we are crazy! The alcohol was ok.....for40 cents! ha ha ha!

Early morning, after having breafast and desperated of waiting for the wines shop to open, we started to play cricket, the national sport here. I really enjoyed the game...til one point! That just that I got a semi-luxation of my shoulder while tryin' to throw a fast ball. Bad luck and some memories of my injury of Barcelona. Like it was only a small luxation, I managed to put my shoulder back!! It's painfull but no so much in comparison of my first one.

Since this week, my password is not working any more to connect myself to my professional Outlook. As I don't have any answer yet of my company regarding that, I'm not working! Without Outlook I can't do nothing! I worked only on wednesday like I got an appointment in a IT company. But it's not my fault. :)

See u

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